The Digital World

Welcome to the Digital World of Ashby Navis and Tennyson Media Publishers. We are a digital media publisher and our digital products are available internationally. We have been at the forefront of digital media publishing since the early 2000s. As a result, we have seen and experienced a wide range of events, both good and bad. We have witnessed technology companies come and go. We have see major corporations flounder as they attempted to meld their old-school business models with the new technological world.

The Digital World is a new feature, where you will find articles and opinion pieces from various sources around the web discussing digital media. Not everyone understands how to best utilize the various platforms that exist in cyberspace and many try to force fit their business models into the new technology paradigms. There will be links to stories from around the web that we feel offer a valid insight into how to best approach the digital world. There will also be articles and stories of how often unscrupulous actors take advantage of those they are supposed to be helping.

We hope you find this new feature to be helpful and we value any suggestions for topics you might have. You can always reach out to us HERE
